The Korea Coast Guard that is responsible for the maritime safety and control of its country’s coastline operates a main headquarters and hundreds of smaller operating stations.
It uses and maintains heavy, light, and medium vessels, along with other watercraft such as barges and an aircraft unit.
Its operations include speedy and effective rescue activities, crime protection, marine pollution surveillance, hazardous spill prevention, and protection of sea tourism.
The widely divergent range of the coast guard’s activities was putting a strain on its outdated, fragmented, and disparate systems running on a mainframe. The Korea Coast Guard wanted the reliability, efficiency, integrity, and flexibility of next‑generation systems but was being held back by high maintenance costs and the rigid cost structure of an IBM mainframe. The need to convert to client screens was inconveniencing users, and the maritime agency was having difficulty finding resources to maintain and develop for their proprietary, localized legacy system.
The Korea Coast Guard chose TmaxSoft OpenFrame for legacy modernization, application redevelopment, and rehosting on an open system. The scope of the project included migrating system resources to the open system, eliminating the existing proprietary system, maintaining mainframe levels of performance and reliability, and implementing a crime inquiry system. As part of the project, 359 copies of statistical analysis, 314 copies of integrated ship management, and 108 copies of departure control programs were migrated, recompiled, and integrated into a main system. In addition, 207 database tables and 80 VSAM and NON–VSAM files were converted.
The project was completed in just five months. As a result of the rehosting and modernization, the new system satisfies high performance and stability requirements and is flexible to allow rapid changes or the incorporation of next‑generation capabilities. At the same time, there was minimal change to code and business logic. Now that monitoring and operations management are part of one main system, all operations are much more efficient. The Korea Coast Guard reports a significant reduction in TCO and an increase in ROI compared to the mainframe, as well as a reduction in maintenance and development costs.