Webtob SE for AWS Cloud - TmaxSoft
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Webtob SE for AWS Cloud

Thank you for choosing WebtoB 5 Standard Edition on AWS Cloud.

The following is a guide to WebtoB 5 Standard Edition for AWS Users.
This guide consists of 3 main Steps:

1. Purchasing WebtoB 5 Standard Edition
2. Viewing and Connecting your instance
3. Configuring and OS and DB instance, and installing WebtoB 5 Standard Edition

For Additional help please contact : cloudsupport@tmaxsoft.com
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1. Select WebtoB 5 Standard Edition on AWS Marketplace and click “Continue”.


2. Select an EC2 instance type and click “Launch with 1-Click”.


3. The selected instance will be deployed, and the software installation details will be displayed.


STEP 2: Viewing and Connecting Your Instance

4. You can view the EC2 instance you purchased when viewing your account information.


5. Click AWS > Services > Edit on the top left corner of the screen.


6. Right-click a running instance, and click “Connect”.


7. Select a connection method, and then connect to your instance with a client.

STEP 3: Configuring an OS User and DB Instance, and Installing WebtoB

1. Login as ec2-user, and then configure an OS user and DB instance required for installing WebtoB.



9. The installation will proceed automatically. WebtoB 5 will be available for use after the installation is completed.

Your WebtoB 5 Standard Edition Installation on AWS Cloud is now complete

Thank you for choosing TmaxSoft on AWS Marketplace
For Support Please contact cloudsupport@tmaxsoft.com